Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Back Up

[657 days]

Krakow, Poland

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Thursday, February 12, 2009


[Army Barracks Combatants]

Late last year myself, a friend and his co-worker came up with an idea to start a team. This team would be organized and sponsored. It was to be an airsoft team, part of a growing sport that is close to matching paintball in its immensity, popularity and worth in the market of military simulations (Milsims).
From there we made a proposal and went forward to the head of the company they worked for: The Army Barracks, Inc., a small chain of army surplus stores. The team would be composed of me and the associates of the store, and although I do not work for the store my involvement from the beginning allowed me to have the same team rights and privileges as the actual employees. A ranking system was even created for a chain of command and to create a semblance of team organization. Two captains, a lieutenant (myself), a sergeant and corporals.
And just very recently after everything was OK'd we received our airsoft guns.
Now we begin the process of team organization, tactics and understanding of the ranks we have in place.
Here we go...

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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Death of a Four-Wheeled Turtle

As one car passes another takes its place.

And it only seems like yesterday that I was so excited to pick up my first car with money I had earned and saved over four years. And it was only last week when that first car, which I had put so much time, money and effort into died a quiet death in the town it had gotten so used to inhabiting. With a full tank of gas it sputters its last gulp and ceases to drive.

Now, with my second car I hope to not make the same mistake again. But sometimes I think about my first, like a person's first love, wondering if it's in a better place - its remnants now spread thin among many being useful to others where it just wasn't to be for me.

For me cars are like dogs, they are companions that you can't quite talk to you, but you have a mutual understanding however frustrating the relationship can be. And for now I am learning the language of a new companion.

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