Thursday, August 17, 2006

1 week count

So I sit here in my office noticing the date and time and realizing that exactly one week from now, at this exact time of day i'll be at school again.

Another year to start,
another year down
and another year to impart.

I'd like to say I'll miss home and all my friends, and I know I will in some form or another, but not too much unfortunately. No matter how long i've lived here (20 years) I'll never get attached to this town, it's too full of people that care too much about themselves for me to worry about leaving it behind. It's a beautiful town that watches over the main bay of Rhode Island, it's safe and for the most part quiet, but it's the people that make or break the town and they definately don't make it.

So back I go to Chester College for my third year and go back [I will] to see some of my closet friends I've aquired since my freshman and sophomore years. Now I must deal with people I know and many ones I do not, not a commonality at Chester College - people that you don't know, it'll be weird for sure and what will be weirder is 80 more girls in the form of freshman to a school already overcrowded with the opposite sex pushing our 70/30 girl/guy ratio dangerously close to an absurd 80/20. I'm not sure what will happen, all I know is it will be filled with drama, more than we've ever had before. Kinda like watching a stampede when it has no where to go - it's kinda like a meat grinder. Or a 24/7 steel-caged deathmatch over guys.


Oh yeah, i'm REAL excited :rolls eyes: Yeah sure, lots of girls are fun, sure plenty of them will be mighty attractive and i'm sure some of them will be cool and nice and fun, but when you have THAT many girls you really are asking for trouble and I know some of the girls even reconize that.

So I sit here writing this while multitasking at work and listening to music that is written in Japanese so I don't know the titles of the songs because i'm a dork like that (aka. Wanda to Kyozo Soundtrack). Go me and go me going to school in 7 days.. maybe.


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