Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Funny you should ask

Hm, yeah. I need to re-work some things in my life, definately need to organize, break down and build back up again - and do it damn soon for sure. College is starting again soon and i'm tired of being the quiet guy that everyone feels bad for because "oh no he was dumped... what a shame" or "she gave him the ring back? harsh." Blah blah blah, i'm done with it all. I'm surely not going to change much, but is being happy that big of a change? I used to be a lot so I'm thinking it's about time I do it again and keep with it. Because well... it's nice to have reasons to smile.

One thing's for sure, out of all the things in this world, among the worst of them is someone I know, named: Karma and she's a bitch and a half and just plain relentless. Relentless I tell you! With how things are going lately you'd think I actually did throw orphans down wells, and no I didn't!!! (I just wish I had :P)

Still though I am excited about meeting new people at school and seeing old friends too... this summer hasn't been very user-friendly (user-friendly? what am I? A super computer geek... NO!).
Time for me to once again move on, move out and move up.

Here I go!!!


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